History and Geography

Question 1

Fill in the blanks with the correct answer chosen from:

( plantation , pastoral, mixed, market)

a. The sugar estates in Mauritius cultivate only sugarcane on a large scale, thus doing __________agriculture.

b. The cultivation of vegetables, flowers and fruits for sale is called________________gardening.

c. In Rodrigues (specially at Camp Pintade) farmers rear goats and cattle ____________ farming.

d. The rearing of animals and growing of crop is called__________ farming.



Question 2.

In which island is plantation agriculture done?



In that island, most of the land is used for plantation of _________________



Question 4. 

 Study the picture and write the correct answers to fill in the blanks.




More and more planters  are building greenhouses for growing vegetables.

 1. In green houses, the ________________ is controlled, it is neither too hot nor too cold inside.

2. Drip _______________is used for watering the plants.

3. Neither ____________nor fertilizers are used in this method of growing vegetables.

4. Two main high value vegetables planted in greenhouses in Mauritius are:___________and _________.

5. in Mauritius green houses can be seen at____________and at many other places also.

6.Write down one advantage of growing vegetable in green houses.



Question 5.